
Fission Maze


◆ Fission Maze – Depths of Ordeals [Season 5 - Cursed Depths]



The brutally difficult Cursed Depths, a challenge even for heroes, were discovered deep within the Fission Maze Depths.


Entry Difficulty Hope Flower
Max. Revives
Entry Ticket Use Middle Stage
Clear Reward
Ordeal Applied
Easy –
Labyrinth 13F
10 - - -
Labyrinth 14F –
Labyrinth 17F
5 Fissive Vortex x1 O -
Labyrinth 22F+ 5 Fissive Vortex x1 O O

Cursed Depths is applied from Labyrinth 22F+ of the Fission Maze, decreasing HP and eliminating recovery abilities.
 When the new Depths of Ordeals is discovered, the season will change along with the ordeal applied.



Frozen Dragon's Stone Shop


◆ Frozen Dragon's Stone Shop Added


Frozen Dragon's Stones have been added to the [Mission Bulletin Board Shop] run by Adventurer's Guild Member David in Saint Haven.
• The Frozen Dragon's Stone possession effect has been changed.


Item Possession Effect Activation Area
Frozen Dragon's Stone Adaptability +50 Fission Maze
Max. HP +500,000 Dragon Nest


Shop Item Required Currency Purchase Limit Note
Mission Bulletin Board Shop Frozen Dragon's Stone Lapis x100 5 weekly per character Durational
(1 Day)






Nest/Faction Conquest/Raining Blossoms Exhibition Arena


◆ Nest

Updated so that the cut scene can be skipped when playing a nest for the first time with a new character.



◆ Faction Conquest

A spacetime distortion occurs in Oun Mountain Jeokam Gorge, enhancing the skin strength of monsters.



◆ Raining Blossoms Exhibition Arena

A spacetime distortion occurs in Raining Blossoms Exhibition Arena, enhancing the skin strength of monsters.



Conquest Rewards Restructured


◆ Conquest Rewards Restructured


The amount of accumulated damage needed to get a Conquest reward remains the same.
• Conquest Stage 1 – Stage 10 rewards have changed.
• Guild Conquest rewards are distributed monthly on the 14th and the 28th.
• Guild Conquest rewards are only distributed to characters who have participated in the Faction Conquest at least once and have met Season Contribution Point requirements.
• The duration for 'Raining Blossoms Stone: Flowering,' and 'Raining Blossoms Stone: Full Bloom' has been changed to 20 days.


Lv. Cumulative Damage (in 10 Billions) Rewards
1 1 Lunar Eclipse Stigmata x50
2 2 Unidentified Conquest Talisman x4
3 3 Raining Blossoms Stone: Flowering x1
4 10 Lunar Eclipse Stigmata x100
5 35 Fierce Battle Heraldry Converter x3
6 67 Raining Blossoms Stone: Full Bloom x1
7 126 Unbeatable Expedition Heraldry Fragment x3
8 237 [Event] Faded Bestie Star x20
9 446 Fragment of Longing x10
10 839 Warrior Equipment Protection Magic Jelly x2000



Apprenticeship System Restructured


◆ Apprenticeship Level Restriction Changed


Level condition for choosing a Master: Lv.93 → Lv.99

※ After the update, if the Master's level is not 99, the display or use of the Apprenticeship menu may not function properly.


The Apprentice's level requirement has been adjusted from Lv.10 – Lv.92 to Lv.1 – Lv.98



◆ Master-Apprentice Points Open


Use of the [Total] Master-Apprentice Points feature has been opened.

※ This feature can be checked in the Character Info (P) window's Points section.



◆ Apprenticeship System Changes


• [Heraldry Scholar] > [Community Shop] > [Master-Apprentice Point Shop] Shop added

- The items Rock of Strength, Hero Titles (5 new types), Ancient's Armor Enhancement Hammer (Tier 1), and Lunar Eclipse Stigmata can be acquired in the in the Master-Apprentice Point Shop.

• New missions have been added to World Daily Tasks and World Weekly Tasks that require Masters and Apprentices to clear stages/nests together.
• 23 Apprenticeship-related achievements have been added.

- Stage and Nest Clear Achievements: 9 types each
- Graduate an Apprentice Achievements: 5 types



Nest Entry Ticket Shop Changes


◆ Nest Entry Ticket Shop Changes


• The Entry Ticket Shop tab was removed from [Saint Haven] – [Merchant Kelly] - [Shop Trade].
• The relevant [Entry Ticket Shop] has been added to the menu for the [Priestess of Darkness] or [Guard] NPC appearing in front of each nest.


◆ Chocolat's Location Changed


• Priestess of Darkness Chocolat has been moved to a midpoint in between Riverwort Dragon Nest and Riverwort Nest.



Stage Rewards Changes/Watchtower Rewards Changes and Additions


◆ Stage Clear Golden/Silver Box Reward Changes


• The rewards from Golden Boxes and Silver Boxes appearing after clearing a stage have changed.
• For clear rewards below Lv.95, equipment items will still appear as before.
• Among the existing Golden Box rewards, the Blessing Stone will appear with the same probability.


Difficulty Golden Box Qty. Silver Box Qty.
Below 11F Ancient's Knowledge 1 – 2 Ancient's Insignia 2
11F – 14F Ancient's Knowledge 2 – 3 Ancient's Insignia 5
15F – 17F Dimensional Map Piece or Eternal Dimensional Token 1 Eternal Enhancement Heraldry Box Fragment 5
18F – 21F Dimensional Map Piece or Eternal Dimensional Token 1 or 2 Eternal Enhancement Heraldry Box Fragment 10
22F – 26F Dimensional Map Piece or Eternal Dimensional Token 2 Eternal Enhancement Heraldry Box Fragment 15



◆ Watchtower: Control Zone Rewards Changed


• The rewards for some monsters in Watchtower: Control Zone have changed.
• New reward items will drop based on a probability rate.


Monster Previous Rewards Qty. Changed Rewards Qty. New Rewards Qty.
Rune Tiger Lord Chuwan Argenta's Heraldry Support Item 1 Eternal Enhancement Heraldry Box Fragment 50 Constellation Stone 1
Watcher Blanco 04 Argenta's Dragon Jade Support Item 1 Lunar Eclipse Dragon Jade Fragment Pouch 1 Constellation Stone 1
Nightmare's Zuu Argenta's Talisman Support Item 1 Eternal Talisman Powder 20 Constellation Stone 1



◆ Restricted Area Supply Shop Added


• A new item has been added to [Priestess of Darkness Canelle] – [Restricted Area Supply Shop].
• Constellation Stones can be used to buy Constellation Stone (Treasure) items.




Gold Display Area Improvements


◆ Gold Display Area Improvements


• To improve the visibility of gold display areas, colors and separators have been applied.




Change in Rewards for Storm of Time and Space


◆ Change in Rewards for Storm of Time and Space


• Rewards for Storm of Time and Space will change.
• Dimension Rock (Breeze), (Zephyr), (Gale) in Storm of Time and Space comes with one new buff Dish
• The new buff Dishes will be deleted after 7 days.
• The Dishes with the same effect do not overlap.
• The chances for Rising Cliff to show up will increase.


  Rewards Description Changes
1 Dimension Rock (Breeze) Attk Power/Magic Attk +10%
HP +10%
2 Dimension Rock (Zephyr) Attk Power/Magic Attk +15%
HP +15%
Drop rate increased
3 Dimension Rock (Gale) Attk Power/Magic Attk +20%
HP +20%
Drop rate increased
4 Fried Dragon Scale Defense/Magic Def +45,000 Newly added
5 Grilled Griffin Wing Defense/Magic Def +30,000 Newly added
6 Boiled Mandrake Soup Attribute Attack Power +7% Newly added
7 Druid’s Wild Pasta Attribute Attack Power +5% Newly added
8 World Tree Sap Waffle Attk Power/Magic Attk +20% Newly added
9 Kraken Ink Muffin Attk Power/Magic Attk +15% Newly added



Special Event Changes
Rising Cliff Will appear more often





◆ Colosseum Shop Changed


• Rock of Strength (7 Days) was removed from the Ladder Shop.



◆ Facilitated Opening of Chests/Pouch Items


• The opening speed of box/pouch-type items will be increased.

  ※ Pouches that display animations while opening are excluded.



◆ Expanded Job Restriction Check When Equipping Items


• When equipping items with job restrictions, the system will now also check the Dragon Jade attached to the item.
• If you attempt to equip a Dragon Jade for a different job, a notification will inform you that it cannot be equipped.


◆ Gosuk's Precious Cherry Blossom Box


• 'Gosuk's Precious Cherry Blossom Box' will be dropped.

• It can be obtained probabilistically from Invaders, Tomb invaders, and Dimensional Rift.

• It can be opened by consuming 'Grubby Key' or 'Grubby Key (Untradable)'.

• 'Gosuk's Precious Cherry Blossom Box' will be deleted at the next update.


 Gosuk's Precious Box cannot be obtained until the next update.



< Gosuk's Precious Cherry Blossom Box Components+ >

*Players can obtain 1 random item from the list below when opening the Gosuk's Precious Cherry Blossom Box


Item Name Quantity
Ability Title : Elemental Gosuk 1
Hero Title : Cho Gosuk 1
Hero Title: Arch Gosuk 1
Hero Title: God Gosuk 1
Ancient's Memory 1
Ancient's Energy 1
Corrupt/Holy Origin Random Pouch 1
Geraint and Argenta's Accessories Selection Pouch 1
VIP Accessory Coupon Pouch (Tradable) 1
Eternal Enhancement Heraldry (Epic) Random Pouch 1
Eternal Talisman (Lv.2) Selection Pouch 1
Cover Title : Blossom Gosuk 1
Cover Title : Spring Awakener 1
Summer Gem 5
Autumn Gem 30
Winter Gem 1
Ancient Dragon Jade Fragment 1
High Purity Dreamy/Blood Moon/Verdure Core Selection Pouch 1
Soul Shard 5
Ancient Lunar Eclipse Jewel Selection Pouch 1
Lunar Eclipse Dragon Jade Legend Selection Pouch 1
High Grade Holy Lunar Eclipse Fragment 35
High Grade Crystal Clear Lunar Eclipse Fragment 35
High Grade Burning Lunar Eclipse Fragment 35
High Grade Pitch Black Lunar Eclipse Fragment 35
High Grade Tailwind Lunar Eclipse Fragment 35
High Grade Ardent Lunar Eclipse Fragment 35
Variant Dragon Jade Evolver ver.3 1
Threat Variation Dragon Jade Conversion Cube 1
Protection Variation Dragon Jade Conversion Cube 1
Fragment of Longing 100
High Grade Fragment of Longing 100
Dimensional Map Piece 5
Eternal Dimensional Token 5
Eternal Talisman Powder 100
Eternal Dimensional Apparition 20
Eternal Pain Vortex 1
Rune Crystal 50
Ancients' Blueprint Fragment 10
Superb Ancient Wisdom 50
Gosuk's Coin 1
Lagendia Torch 50


