New Beginner's Guide Added

New Beginner's Guide Added



New Beginner's Guide Added


• A Beginner's Guide that can be played after Dragon Nest Newbie graduation has been added.


• Encounter with the Dimension Keeper

• Torn Dimension

• Path to Another Dimension – 1

• Path to Another Dimension – 2

• Treasure Box from Another Dimension

• Disintegrated Dimension

Encounter with the Dimension Keeper

  • • [Dimensional Rift] Dimension Keeper, who are you!?
    • • Defeat Dimension Keeper SC-12 in any stage/Dimensional Rift.







Torn Dimension


• [Dimensional Rift] I saw it. A rift in the dimension!

• Enter a stage that has an opened Dimensional Rift.

• This can be achieved if a Dimensional Rift opens upon entering a stage.







Path to Another Dimension – 1


• [Dimensional Rift] Between Dimensions

• Enter a Dimensional Rift.

• This can be entered by activating the Dimension Coordinator that is generated upon clearing a stage after a Dimensional Rift activates.







Path to Another Dimension – 2


• [Dimensional Rift] Where am I? I'm scared.

• Enter the Rampaging Dimensional Rift.

• Enter the Rampaging Dimensional Rift that has a certain chance of appearing when activating a Dimension Coordinator.







Treasure Box from Another Dimension


• [Dimensional Rift] Your treasure, replaced by my strength.

• Open a Risky Portal Box.

• To open a Risky Portal Box, enter a Risky Portal that appears in a Dimensional Rift and defeat the Risky Portal monsters within the time limit.

• All party members must possess at least 10 Eternal Dimensional Tokens to open a Risky Box.







Disintegrated Dimension


• [Dimensional Collapse] Can collapsed dimensions be glued together?

• Clear a stage where a Dimensional Collapse has taken place.

• Dimensional Collapses have a certain chance of occurring in the Ark Crash Site stage. Additional rewards can be acquired for clearing the stage after a Dimensional Collapse has taken place.


