Dimensional Collapse2024.06.27 (Fixed)

Dimensional Collapse


◆ Dimensional Collapse


Abnormalities are causing dimensional collapses around the Ark Crash Site. What is going on there?


  - Dimensional collapses occur based on a certain probability rate.
  - When a dimensional collapse occurs, the weather in the stage changes, and a reward chest appears after clearing the stage.


◆ Dimensional Collapse Information


Difficulty Level All Difficulty Levels (Easy – Max. Difficulty) 
Stages Silverwind Forest
Ark Lower Hold





Dimensional Collapse Reward


  - You can earn reward items each time you clear a Dimensional Collapse erupting anywhere in the Ark Crash Site.
  - Dimensional Collapse reward chests appear on every floor, from Easy to Labyrinth 26F difficulty.
  - Some items are dropped based on a certain probability.
  - Among the Dimensional Collapse reward items, collection items have no use other than to be sold at shops.

Dimensional Collapse Stages
Ark Crash Site (All Areas) Silverwind Forest
Ark Lower Hold




Dimensional Collapse Reward Items Appearance Floor
Hero's Blood, Sweat, and Tears Easy –
Liberation Fragments 15F+
Collection Items 18F+
Titles 22F+

  - At Lv.98 or below, only Hero's Blood, Sweat, and Tears can be acquired, regardless of difficulty level. 





Dimensional Collapse Clear Reward Titles

  - Titles earned as rewards for clearing Dimensional Collapses can be traded.
  - All titles earned as rewards for clearing Dimensional Collapses are Hero Titles.
  - A Collection Reward Title can be obtained for acquiring all the titles that can be earned as rewards for clearing Dimensional Collapses throughout the Ark Crash Site.


Hero Title Stats
Faded Wind Max HP 100,000
Ark Intruder Max HP 100,000







New Title Collection


  - An Ark Crash Site Dimensional Collapse title collection has been added.
  - Title collections can be viewed in the [Characters (P) – Titles – Title Collections] menu.
  - Collection reward titles are Hero Titles.
  - Details on the added title collections are as follows:


Collection Name Collection Content Collectible Titles Reward Title Stats
Ruined Ark Crash Site Someone who has experienced a Dimensional Collapse at the Ark Crash Site. Faded Wind Above Ark Physical ATK 1.00%
Ark Intruder Magic ATK  1.00%


[Reward for completing the Collection]






Collectible Items


  - Among the Dimensional Collapse reward items, collection items have no use other than to be sold at shops.

Item Name Shop Sale Price
Dryph's Compass 300 Gold
Magical Meteor Fragment 300 Gold
Erased Ancient Rune 300 Gold
Ancients' Mechanical Device 100 Gold
Lost Messenger Breezy Bird 100 Gold
Natives' Statue 100 Gold
Apocalypse Part 30 Gold
Puzzle King's Cube 30 Gold
Unknown Letter 30 Gold
Drifter's Bag 4 Gold
Rusty Mechanical Prosthetic Hand 4 Gold
Harori Album 4 Gold
Dimensional Power Fragment 1 Gold
Spoiled Gob Gob Riceball 1 Gold
Familiar Key 1 Gold







