Legend Conversion Costume2024.04.21 (Fixed)

Legend Conversion Costume


◆ A new Legend Conversion Costume armor piece has been released.


<Conversion Costume> grades have been expanded.


- Speak to a Crate Collector NPC and use the Grow Conversion Item option to evolve a +10 Unique Conversion Costume into a Legend Conversion Costume.

   ▷ Grow Conversion Item?: The name of the Crate Collector NPC’s "Enhance Conversion Item" option has been changed to "Grow Conversion Item".


-Crate Collector NPC Locations

   1. Saint Haven → Crate Collector Alin

   2. Red Lotus Palace Main Street → Crate Collector Orin



<Images of Crate Collector NPCs>


<Crate Collector NPC - Grow Conversion Item>






Growing Conversion Items


- New material items are requried to grow Conversion Costumes to Legend grade.

   1. Astral Powder

   2. Astral Stone


- +10 Unique Conversion Costume → +0 Legend Conversion Costeume

   1. Stats provided to the costume by an Engraving Scroll will remain the same upon changing grades via growth.

   2. When an equipped Unique Conversion Costume is grown into a Legendary Conversion Costume, the costume to which conversion was applied and the Conversion Costume will be sent to the inventory.


<Crate Collector NPC - Grow Conversion Item>


<New Currency for Conversion Item Growth>






Conversion Shop


- New materials have been added to the Conversion Shop for Legend Conversion Costume Growth.

   1. Astral Powder

   2. Astral Stone



<Crate Collector NPC - Conversion Shop>


<New Currency for Conversion Item Growth>





◆ Legend Conversion Costume - Armor Stats

Type Helmet Upper Lower Gloves Shoes
Phy/Mag ATK 200,000 - - - -
Phy/Mag ATK% 17.20% 0.60% 5.50% 5.50% 16.50%
Attribute ATK - 7.20% 25.50% 7.20% 7.20%
Critical - - - - -
Critical % - 10.00% - 10.00% -
Critical Damage - - - - -
Final Damage 450 450 - 450 450
STR 2,500 100 2,500 100 100
AGI 2,500 100 2,500 100 100
INT 2,500 100 2,500 100 100
VIT 2,500 100 2,500 100 100
STG % - 15.00% - - -
AGI % - 15.00% - - -
INT % - 15.00% - - -
VIT % - 15.00% - - -
Phy/Mag Def - - - - -
Phy/Mag Def % - - - - -
HP - 2,100,000 2,100,000 2,100,000 2,100,000
HP% 17.00% 4.00% 4.00% 31.00% 21.00%
Movement Speed - - - - 15.00%







◆ Other

  - 3 types of Magical Conversion Fragments can be stored in server storage after May Update Patch 2024.

  - Legend Conversion Costume can be stored in server storage after May Update Patch 2024.
